We made it even easier for you to access GMAT scores and reports for exams taken at a test center and online.
Our Score Reporting Portal is free, secure, and user friendly. Its intuitive interface requires no special training, and it lets you access available GMAT scores at your convenience – daily, weekly, or monthly. You also have the flexibility to search for scores using different filters such as date range, test takers’ first/last names, and more. You can also download score data in CSV, TXT, or PDF formats.
The Score Reporting Portal provides the best and most efficient way to access the score reports you need for application review, and scores that have been sent to your program will remain available for five years from the test taker’s exam date.
Access the GMAC Score Reporting Portal
Sample Score Reports
The Official Score Report you receive for the GMAT™ may include scores for both editions of the exam:
- The GMAT™ Exam (Focus Edition) section will only include the scores that the candidate selected to be sent to your program.
- The GMAT™ Exam (10th Edition) section will include any valid scores, sent to your program by the candidate, from the previous version of the exam taken in the past five years (not including canceled scores).
In the sample score report here, the candidate has opted to share the results from two GMAT™ Exam (Focus Edition) test appointments and their previous GMAT™ Exam (10th Edition) test appointment.
Tools, Sample Files, and Guides
Sample Files
Access the GMAC Score Reporting Portal