GMAT Resource Center

GMAT Resource Center

Everything you need to learn about the GMAT exam in one place.

GMAC has developed tools for you to learn about and promote the GMAT exam. The resources here can also be shared with students at your school/in your program. 



For Schools: About the GMAT Exam

New to admissions or graduate management education? This overview of the GMAT Exam is for school professionals who are just starting out or need a helpful refresher! (Updated February 2025)

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For Candidates: Inside the GMAT Exam

This comprehensive presentation breaks down everything business school candidates need to know about the GMAT exam. From section-by-section content analysis and unique exam features to scoring insights and targeted preparation strategies. (Updated February 2025)

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Flyers & Tables

The GMAT Advantage

What sets the GMAT apart from other exams? It’s precision in distinguishing top talent. (Updated February 2025)

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The Industry Standard

The GMAT exam is the first and only exam specifically designed for admissions to business master’s and management programs. (Updated March 2025)

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GMAT Scores Explained

What skills are represented in a GMAT score? What's a competitive GMAT score? The answers to these questions and more are summarized in this 2-page flyer. (Updated March 2025)

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GMAT Test Center vs. Online Comparison Table

With two convenient test delivery options, candidates can choose the GMAT exam testing location that works best for them. (Updated August 2024)

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GMAT vs. GRE Comparison Table

Discover how the GMAT and GRE stack up against each other on what matters most to business school applicants - from program acceptance and testing format to time per question and score availability. (Updated August 2024)

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GMAT vs. EA Comparison Table

A quick introduction to the Executive Assessment and how it compares across key features when compared to the GMAT exam. (Updated August 2024)

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Total Score Concordance Table

Use this table to compare GMAT Exam (10th Edition) Total Scores and GMAT Exam (Focus Edition) Total Scores and to understand corresponding percentile values. (Updated August 2024)

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Quantitative Reasoning Concordance Table

Use this table to compare GMAT Exam (10th Edition) Total Scores and GMAT Exam (Focus Edition) Quantitative Reasoning scores and to understand corresponding percentile values. (Updated August 2024)

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Verbal Reasoning Concordance Table

Use this table to compare GMAT Exam (10th Edition) Total Scores and GMAT Exam (Focus Edition) Verbal Reasoning scores and to understand corresponding percentile values. (Updated August 2024)

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The Art and Science Behind the GMAT Exam

For over 50 years, the GMAT exam has been a gold-standard test of critical reasoning and logical thinking, valued by the world's leading MBA and Business Masters programs and their admissions teams. In this webinar, learn how the GMAT works and what goes on behind the scenes in developing a fair, valid, and secure testing experience.

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