Executive Programs | gmac.com

Executive Programs

Resources for programs targeting experienced executives (EMBA, executive master’s)

Hundreds of executive programs use GMAC products and services to reach and recruit students.

Executive Assessment

A growing number of schools worldwide rely on the Executive Assessment to gain insights into an applicant’s real-world business skills and their readiness for the program. Developed with the busy executive in mind, it requires minimal preparation, takes 90 minutes, and offers flexible scheduling options.

Learn more about the Executive Assessment, including why your school should start accepting it.

Candidates can learn more at the Executive Assessment website.

GMAC Connect

GMAC Connect offers a suite of discovery and engagement solutions which combine the power and reach of GMAC Media, GMAC Tours and GMAC™ GradSelect.

If you are seeking to attract experienced professionals to your executive programs, our media solutions will help you reach them. We offer a range of marketing and advertising opportunities to get you in front of the 6 million plus unique visitors to the GMAC family of websites. You can also find and target right-fit candidates for your programs with GMAC™ GradSelect Search Service and make personal connections with GMAC Tours.

Whether you need to build your brand, generate leads, or highlight your program’s distinctiveness, we take a strategic approach to allow you to mix and match our services to support your needs. 

Market data and insights

GMAC regularly develops and shares insights arising from our research suite and ensures that these include content that specifically addresses executive master’s programs. Recently we explored the gender gap in EMBA admissions.

We have developed a segmentation model you can use to understand candidate motivations and inspire action. Motivational segmentations are universal, avoid cultural bias, and remain stable over time.