Business schools agree on the need for more diverse classrooms but diversity means different things to different schools. We’re here to help.
Research reports
GMAC regularly develops and shares insights arising from our research suite to shine a spotlight on the state of diversity in the GME pipeline in the context of a diverse world.
Our annual research reports have sections that focus on under-represented populations in GME:
Women in GME
GMAC's Women in the Graduate Management Education Pipeline research brief provides insights into the key motivations, barriers, curricular interests, and post-GME career goals of global women candidates for business school.
Every year, to coincide with women’s day, GMAC releases a snapshot of women and business schools. In 2024, GMAC also looked at What Drives Men and Women to Graduate Education.
Diversity recruitment
Insights developed from the GMAC Prospective Students Survey can help your school plan and execute diversity recruitment initiatives for specific groups. GMAC's Regional Views details the most recent trends in regional or national markets with a range of market intelligence from the candidate, program, and employer perspective. Candidate mobility was addressed in the Influence of the U.S. Presidential Election on Business School Application Plans research brief.