
The Alumni Perspectives Survey is your window into the value your alumni received from their education, including personal satisfaction, professional growth and more.
The survey launches on Monday, October 16th, and runs through December 4th. Sign up by October 2nd to ensure your place in this year’s survey.
View the most recent report
Sign up today
Why Participate?
Customized Data to Inform Your Decisions
The data collected for GMAC's Alumni Perspectives Survey gives YOUR program valuable information:
- Alumni Office: Get the pulse on your graduates – including contact details and social media updates and satisfaction ratings.
- Marketing/Admissions: Use alumni feedback about program satisfaction, job placement, salary, and how your business school prepared them analyze problems from different perspectives and more to recruit candidates to your program.
- Career Services: Help set job-seekers' expectations, using salary data as well as job progression statistics. Also, receive names & contact details of alumni interested in partnering with you to recruit students!
Questions? Contact GMAC Research
What You Get
Exclusive Benefits
Participating schools will receive the following:
- A Net Promoter® score* for each program included in the survey!
- An Interactive Data Report that allows you to make comparisons across numerous demographics, such as graduation year, program type, gender, industry and function, job level, and location. Participating schools will receive access to this report in January 2018.
- Our Benchmark Report tool that you can use to compare your alumni responses with those of peer schools.
- Early release of the public summary reports, expected in February 2018.
- An Excel spreadsheet containing alumni names with updated contact information.
(Note: Alumni names and contact details will be shared with the school if and only if the respondent agreed to do so.)
Participating alumni will receive an interactive data report so they can explore survey findings on their own.
Participation is easy! Sign up at www.gmac.com/surveysignup to provide contact information, and let us know which method your business school would like to use.
View a demo of the Benchmark and Interactive Data Report tool for participating schools.
Option 1: GMAC Administers the Survey
You Provide Your Alumni List to GMAC, We Take Care of the Rest
To participate using this option, your school must provide GMAC with a contact list of all alumni for whom you have email addresses so that GMAC can administer the Alumni Perspectives Survey directly on your school's behalf. Download instructions here.
This option requires less effort from you. You will be offered the option to send a 'Heads Up' letter to your alumni. After that, GMAC will handle all the work, including sending the survey invitations and email reminders. We will provide you with periodic updates throughout the survey period letting you know how many of your alumni have responded.
Download Participation Instructions & Schedule
Option 2: Your School Administers the Survey
GMAC will provide you with suggested invitation and reminder emails, as well as the survey URL for your school. Your schools will email the invitations to your alumni.
To participate using this option, your school agrees to administer the GMAC Alumni Perspectives Survey using your internal resources for sending invitations and reminders directly to your alumni on the dates specified. (But don't worry; the instructions are quite simple.)
When you administer the survey, GMAC provides you with a URL unique to your school, which will be used in all emails to the alumni you might invite. Unfortunately, the convenience of using one link per school prevents you from excluding alumni who have already completed the survey from receiving future survey reminders. Therefore, all reminders sent from your school will be sent to all alumni, including some who may have already completed the survey. GMAC will inform you of the number of completed surveys throughout the survey fielding.
- October 16, 2017 (or as soon as possible):
Option 1: Upload your alumni contact list in an Excel, or compatible spreadsheet by going to https://research.gmac.com/utile/alumnischool2017/sample/option1.html. (See contact list details below, or download instructions.)
Option 2: Send the total count of alumni that will receive survey invitations to gmac-research@gmac.com.
- October 16, 2017 or earlier: (Option 1 only): Your school sends the Alumni Heads-up Letter to your alumni to advertise the survey.
- October 23, 2017: GMAC will send your alumni an invitation to participate in the survey (Option 1) or your school will send the survey invitation to your alumni (Option 2).
- November 6, 2017: GMAC will send a first reminder email to alumni who have not completed the survey (Option 1) or your school will send the survey reminder to your alumni (Option 2).
- November 20, 2017: GMAC will send a 'last call' email to alumni who have not completed the survey (Option 1) or your school will send the ‘last call’ email to your alumni (Option 2).
- December 4, 2017: GMAC will close the survey and begin analyzing the data.
Last Year's Report
GMAC's 2016 Alumni Perspectives Survey Report was released in February 2016 and includes analysis of survey responses collected from more than 14,000 b-school alumni who participated in the survey in October/November 2015.
Other Resources to Share with Your Prospective Students:
*Net Promoter® is a registered trademark of Satmetrix Systems, Inc. NPS® is a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Satmetrix Systems, Inc, and Fred Reichheld.