The Corporate Recruiters Survey 2024 Report

Summary Report

The Graduate Management Admission Council, together with survey partners EFMD and the MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA), conducted the survey from January until March 2024, in association with the career services offices at participating graduate business schools worldwide. This survey, which we refer to as the Corporate Recruiters Survey, examines the job outlook for recent graduate business students as well as employer needs and expectations.

In total, 931 respondents completed this survey. There were 575 corporate recruiters and 356 staffing firm recruiters. The respondents came from 38 countries worldwide.

The objectives of this data tool are to report on:

  • The current employment landscape and demand for Graduate Management Education
  • The skills employers seek in recent and future business school graduates
  • Salary projections and additional compensation, such as benefits and bonuses
  • Employer needs, hiring and recruitment practices, and trends across industries and world regions

Note: Some views are suppressed due to small sample sizes. Also, percentages are rounded so they may not add to 100%. Tool created by Kari Nelson, Associate Manager, Research Analytics and Operations; Gunel Ismayilova, Consultant; Neil Stenhouse, Manager, Survey Research; Ankit Nashine, Manager, Data Science; and Katie Bao, Manager, Survey Research. For further questions on these reports please contact the GMAC Research and Data Science Department at

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