This interactive data file shows a detailed response profile from US underrepresented populations who participated in our monthly online surveys of individuals who register on mba.com. The responses offer a view into the motivations, preferences, program choices, needs, and opinions of thousands of individuals who are contemplating taking the GMAT exam.
The report combines data collected in 2009 and 2010 from mba.com registrants residing in the United States and displays their responses by self-reported race/ethnicity categories. Responses are shown for the following categories:
- African American (N = 1,024)
- Hispanic American (N = 814)
- Native American (N = 97)
- All Underrepresented Populations, a combination of all respondents who selected African American, Hispanic American, and Native American (N = 1,935)
- All Other Americans (N = 13,663)
Graduate business school professionals can use the survey results to understand their target audience, build messages and brands, allocate resources, and develop recruitment strategies.