Business School Hiring, Recruitment, and Skills: U.S. Trends in Career Services & Employer Perspectives (Abstract)

Business School Hiring, Recruitment, and Skills: U.S. Trends in Career Services & Employer Perspectives

September 2024


Woman with glasses converses with another women working on a laptop with the text, "Business School Hiring, Recruitment, and Skills"A collaboration of the Graduate Management Admission Council and the Career Services & Employer Alliance (CSEA, formerly known as the MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance), this paper offers the first longitudinal, holistic look of employer and career services data that examines recent hiring and recruitment trends of U.S. MBAs and other business master’s talent. It combines the unique perspectives of the career services professionals who contribute to CSEA’s annual Recruiting Trends Survey with those of the employers who respond to GMAC’s annual Corporate Recruiters Survey.

Quick Facts

  • U.S. employers are hiring non-MBA business master’s talent more than before the pandemic; MBA hiring is largely as-expected across industries and company sizes.
  • Employers are increasingly using virtual and AI-powered recruitment practices, though student interest in in-person recruitment efforts is resurging.
  • U.S. employers say leadership, innovation, and AI and technology skills will grow the most in importance in five years.