Resources to answer your questions and advance your diversity initiatives.
Diversity is a complex, multifaceted area, but fortunately there are many resources to which you can turn for information.
While no list can be entirely comprehensive, we have compiled a list of resources that diversity officers have found useful. For a more exhaustive list, download the Diversity Net Resource Guide
National & International Organizations
Organizations that Serve Prospective Students
Forté Foundation® – a consortium of major corporations, top business schools, and influential nonprofit organizations that has become a powerful change agent in educating and directing talented women toward leadership roles in business. The organizations works to influence perceptions among women about business careers, emphasizing that these careers can be flexible, philosophically rewarding, and aligned with the principled, multifaceted lives that women seek.
Golden Key International Honour Society – the world’s premier academic honor society with almost 2 million members at more than 370 universities around the world. Undergraduate and graduate students from all academic disciplines in the top 15% of their class are invited to become members of the Society. Members originate from over 190 countries and speak 34 different languages. Golden Key provides students and alumni valuable benefits of scholarships, career networking, personal development, community service, leadership and academic recognition.
National Black MBA Association® (NBMBAA®) – leads in the creation of economic and intellectual wealth for Black graduates with MBAs and other advanced degrees, as well as entrepreneurs, and works to increase the number and the diversity of successful Blacks in the business community.
Prospanica – the premier Hispanic professional business network for economic and philanthropic advancement, fostering Hispanic leadership through graduate management education and professional development in order to improve society.
The PhD ProjectSM – strives to increase diversity among business school faculty by attracting members of minority groups to doctoral programs and providing support as they pursue their degrees. Since 1994, The PhD Project has more than tripled the number of minority business school professors.
National & International Organizations
American Conference on Diversity – the mission of the American Conference on Diversity is to value diversity, educate and empower leaders, promote inclusion and respect in schools, workplaces, community services, businesses, and communities.
American Indian College Fund – the American Indian College Fund provides scholarships and other support for the American Indian students. Start here to learn more about tribal colleges.
American Institute for Managing Diversity – the nation’s leading nonprofit think tank dedicated to promoting and furthering the field of diversity management.
Association of Latino Professionals for America – ALPFA is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for Latinos in the accounting, finance and related professions.
Conference Board – for over 90 years, the Conference Board has created and disseminated knowledge about management and the marketplace to help businesses strengthen their performance and better serve society. The Conference Board’s operations include a variety of initiatives with a diversity focus.
The Consortium – the country’s preeminent organization for promoting diversity and inclusion in American business, The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management provides scholarships for underrepresented minorities in graduate management education.
Ellevate – Ellevate Network is a community of professional women committed to helping each other succeed. We use the power of community to help you take the next step in your career. This is where you can meet a mentor or sponsor, get inspiration from other women, and make connections that last.
Graduate Horizons – partners with 45 university graduate/professional degree programs where admission officers, professors and deans mentor and advise Native American college students, college graduates, and master’s students on the admissions process, professional/career development opportunities, and the various fields of study, research, and graduate programs available to them.
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities – HACU is devoted to increasing opportunities in education for Hispanic students.
JumpStart Advisory Group – founded in 2004, specializes in identifying and developing diverse talent at the undergraduate, graduate, and experienced professional career phases. Students and Professionals can JumpStart their Path to an MBA with our preparation approach, partnerships with top MBA programs, and partnerships with test prep organizations.
Latinx MBA Association – A supportive network of MBA students and alumni, dedicated to developing, empowering, and advancing Latinx business leaders in order to create positive economic change for the U.S. Latinx community.
Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) – a national nonprofit that develops African American, Hispanic and Native American young people for leadership positions in corporations, nonprofits, and entrepreneurial ventures. MLT has an MBA Prep program that has become a feeder of underrepresented minorities to member business schools.
NAACP – advocacy organization for advancement of minority groups.
National Association of Black Accountants – since 1969, the NABA has been the leader in expanding the influence of minority professionals in the fields of accounting and finance.
National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education – organized to help ensure full use of the resources offered by predominantly black colleges.
National Economic Association – founded in 1969 as the Caucus of Black Economists, the association is focused on economic issues of interest to African Americans, Latinos, and other people of color.
Reaching Out MBA, Inc.- a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes the education, visibility and networking capabilities of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender business leaders in the United States and around the globe. The organization targets graduate business students and a broad range of corporations as it seeks to increase the awareness of LGBT issues in an increasingly diverse workplace as well as in public life.
Sponsors for Educational Opportunity – SEO in an international mentoring program for high school students and also offers a career preparation program for college students of color.
Books, Monographs, & Reports
This abbreviated list cites only a few relevant titles that diversity officers have found useful. Conduct your own search and consult with your university’s librarians to find other good resources.
Admissions and Diversity after Michigan: The Next Generation of Legal and Policy Issues – released in 2006, this publication discusses policy and evidence issues relevant to the development and implementation of race- and ethnicity-conscious admissions policies.
Diversity Awareness Profile – this self-assessment tool is designed to help organizations improve working relationships among diverse co-workers and customers by increasing individual awareness of the impacts of their behavior.
The Chief Diversity Officer: A Primer for College and University Presidents, by Damon A. Williams and Katrina C. Wade-Golden - strategic guidance for university leaders regarding various models that can be used to launch the chief diversity officer capability on campus.
Driving Change Through Diversity and Globalization: Transformative Leadership in the Academy, by James A. Anderson – argues that institutions of higher education should adopt a cultural and global competence mission.
Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts, by Leslie Aguilar – provides guidelines for communicating respect and inclusion.
Mass Career Customization: Aligning The Workplace With Today’s Nontraditional Workforce, by Cathy Benko and Anne C. Weisberg – suggests strategies for attracting talent and strengthening leadership pipelines while providing more varied and paced career journeys.
What Makes Racial Diversity Work in Higher Education: Academic Leaders Present Successful Policies and Strategies. Frank Hale, editor – describes successful diversity initiatives in higher education.
Online – GMAC’s portal for those interested in pursuing graduate management education.
Diversity, Inc. – the portal for the periodical Diversity Inc.; offers industry news, webinars, data, job listings, and more.
Managing Diversity at Duke: A Toolkit for Managers – see how Duke University and its Office of Institutional Equity works with university managers to foster diversity.
Ortiz Research Group Diversity Website – a diversity Web portal hosted by Professor Christine Ortiz in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT.