2016 Global GME Candidate Segmentation Understanding Candidate Motivations Understanding the global candidate pipeline through a study of motivations and behaviors conducted in partnership with IPSOS. ABOUT THE STUDY In 2016, GMAC kicked off a global GME candidate segmentation study in partnership with IPSOS, a well-known market research firm, to help drive industry growth through insights on the motivations of the broader GME candidate pipeline. The study identified seven global segments that have distinct differences on what motivates them to pursue GME, including the desire to be a role model, provide for one’s children, develop skills and impact society. WHY SEGMENT ON MOTIVATIONS? The marketing that can be developed based on motivations resonates more with customers than marketing that is developed based on demographics alone. It provides a way to connect on an emotional level and inspires action. Motivational segmentations are also universal, avoid cultural bias, and remain stable over time. MEET THE SEGMENTS Watch an aspirational story about each segment by clicking the characters below. Respect Seekers Global Strivers Balanced Careerists Career Revitalizers Socio-economic Climbers Skill Upgraders Impactful Innovators Global Candidate Segmentation Playbook Data and insights to plan and execute program marketing campaigns informed by the GMAC global candidate segmentation model. Download the playbook Beyond Demographics: Connecting With the Core Motivations of Business School Candidates Findings of Global GME Candidate Segmentation study, outlines implications for business schools, and provides insights into how to effectively connect with each of the global candidate segments. Download the white paper Meet the Segments Information Brief Meet the seven global segments of graduate management education (GME) candidates identified in our 2016 study, and learn about the distinct differences in what motivates them to pursue GME. Download the booklet