This paper, derived from the GMAC 2009 Application Trends Survey, focuses on the responses of full-time one-year MBA programs in the United Kingdom and draws comparisons with aggregate data from similar programs in other European countries and in the United States. (Programs with duration of 18 months or less are classified as one-year).
Data summarized in this publication represent the responses of 11 participating UK full-time one-year MBA programs—a small fraction of the 102-program sample. The one-year program format represents 91% of all participating European MBA programs, but only 28% of US programs, where the two-year format dominates.
This paper presents a comparison of full-time one-year MBA program application trends across regions. The data collected also allows one to focus on a specific country―the United Kingdom where certain program trends matched those of other European countries while other UK trends varied distinctly from the rest of the pool.