To commemorate International Women’s Day on March 8, 2011, GMAC prepared a this Data-To-Go as a summary of current data about women in the business school pipeline. PDF 451k 14 pages Download Overview Findings in this Data-To-Go are derived from several sources of GMAC test taker and survey information in 2010-2011. Key points include: Record levels of women taking the GMAT, particularly in the growing economy of China. In testing year 2010, a total of 105,900 GMAT exams (40.1%) were taken by women worldwide, setting a new record in both the number and share of exams taken by women. Source: GMAC Profile of Graduate Management Admission Test Candidates, 2006–2010 Prospective female B-school students reported a shorter average time at each of the three decision-making stages on the route to B-school than their male counterparts in the calendar year 2010. On average, women spent a combined 42.7 months, or 3.5 years, from precontemplation to contemplation and then preparation. Source: GMAC Prospective Students Survey, 2011 Overall, 84% of the women in the class of 2010 were employed at the time of graduation, and 93% of them said they got the type of job they wanted. Source: GMAC Alumni Perspectives Survey, 2010