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Current GMAT test taker and registration volumes.
The Alumni Perspectives Survey provides data on where today's graduates are working and what they're earning.
What is included in the 2017 GMAT release? There are 2 changes included in the 2017 GMAT release: 1. Select Section Order: Beginning on July 11, 2017, all candidates will have the flexibility to select the order of the sections of the GMAT exam...
Tracking the career progression of graduates from the classes of 2000 to 2011 offers insight into what’s behind career advancement for graduate business degree-holders and what each stage may...
Whether you’re around the corner or across the globe, there are several ways for you to Connect with GMAC. Whatever your admissions level experience, if you’re affiliated with a school...
This page provides details for schools about participating in the GMAC 2015 Alumni Perspectives Survey.
This Excel data file provides school professionals at GMAT-accepting institutions with filterable data tables to explore international examinee and score-sending trends to inform their global recruitment strategies.
This PDF report shares overall key findings, in addition to trends by region, including examinee demographics and score sending destinations and program types by citizenship; region as a study destination; and profiles of candidates from the top...
This report summarizes findings from the Prospective Students Survey associated with candidates’ postgraduate management education career interests, including goals, industries, and job functions.
This report presents the findings associated with prospective students' preferences for program types, structures, and curriculums.