ESMT Berlin: AI in Business Education

August 2024


Green outlined web cursor on black background with the text "AI in Business Education: ESMT Berlin"GMAC’s AI in Business Education case study series spotlights the integration of artificial intelligence in graduate management education, focusing on curriculum development, administrative processes, and strategic applications. Learn how ESMT Berlin has developed a unique Learning Management System (LMS) plug-in based on a custom generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) that provides separate interfaces for student support and training on academic integrity and faculty support for course development. 


Quick Facts

  • Resource allocation: Due to ESMT’s relatively small size, they allocated resources slowly where available, grew the project organically, learned, and planned for future necessary resource allocation.
  • Time for testing: The team standardized the system prompts for both student and faculty audiences and codified the GPT action schema to enable significant time savings.
  • Faculty and staff buy-in: To harness enthusiasm and counter some of the doubters, the team started a virtual AI community on Sharepoint to share ideas, discoveries, and questions.